We love personal empowerment and have dedicated our lives to training and helping others to live the most incredible lives possible. Bushindo University has offerred many budo Martial Arts (Ninjutsu, Budo Taijutsu, DeCuerdas Eskrima, Bushindo Sword), Personal Empowerment Training, Spiritual Awakening Methods, and Optimal Life Teachings worldwide for over 30 years in the form of privates, seminars, dojos, websites, home study courses and online training.
GrandMaster Richard Van Donk has now integrated all these teachings into his one complete Empower Yourself system. Richard deeply started on the path at age 19 looking for one complete life living system….. a system that one could live all the principles and have the most awesome life possible. That took him on a vast search all over the globe studying with many masters in the fields of Body-Mind-Spirit to mastery level in them (see Bio). The Bushindo Empowered Living System utlizies the best of all these teachings of ancient, modern and futuristic. Visit www.BushindoUniversity.com
The Nath Yogi Sadhu’s train in empowerment practices that are called Shiddhis that open energy and channels in the body that bring about an ultimate body, awakened mind, psychic abilities and longevity (there are 16 and a blackbelt was used for each power), Shamans around the world also use these practices, Tibetan Tulku, Chinese Daoist priests, So did the Ninja of old, that art was called Senninjutsu. it was also called the art of Immortality.
We share the tools for you to do your own awakening to the truth that already lies within you. Only you can take your journey of self discovery. And a map from those that have been in the territory is very useful.
We find God in everything, flowers, sunsets, a child’s face, etc. The Teachings call that Sourcing. The more that you resonate with the divine the more beautiful your life becomes. We support all spiritual paths and share source connection practices that have been used for thousands of years.
Energy is a dimension of time and determines the quality of your existence. There are many factors that determine your vibrational field including what you put into the body in the form of substance, mental thoughts and even the breath that you breath. it is how you breathe that is perhaps even most important and vital to your life.
Quality of Life is about becoming more aware in each moment and having belief systems that allow for an expansiveness of your consciousness versus a contraction. It is time to thing about what you do want versus what you don’t want.
The most important relationship you will ever have is with you. When it get’s right on the inside it will get right on the outside and not until then. When you are happy everyone, including you, wants to be around you. You attract what you vibrate.
Awaken yourself to your highest potential. Immortality or becoming a Shaman may not be your goal but I am sure that you want more strength, clarity of mind and a powerful presence of being or you would not be reading this far. Be who you are. Learn how to do what you love. Learn what you purpose is in this life and how to fulfill it.
Knowing the science of how your mind actually works will give your the empowerment to control or direct your thoughts or turn them off at will so that you can make clear decisions or know peace.
The ultimate goal of Bushindo’s Teachings is for you to own yourself fully, to empower yourself mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally. Then become a fully integrated human being living to the ultimate of your capacity manifesting in every way the lifestyle you choose to live. A master of your life.

The Nath Yogi Sadhu’s train in empowerment practices that are called Shiddhis that open energy and channels in the body that bring about an ultimate body, awakened mind, psychic abilities and longevity (there are 16 and a blackbelt was used for each power), Shamans around the world also use these practices, Tibetan Tulku, Chinese Daoist priests, So did the Ninja of old, that art was called Senninjutsu. it was also called the art of Immortality.
Whether you are attracted to the Ninja, Sword (Formal or Informal Methods), Grappling arts of Budo Taijutsu or the fast moving blade arts of Eskrima, we have you covered. We study and teach martial arts as a way of empowerment and bettering ourselves as human beings while learning self and others protection that is 2nd to None.
Black Belt in Life Training – This is a living system… a path to living the greatness of who you are. I invite you to dare just a little. To reach deep in you to truly find out who you can become. To find out where your soul lives and visit it… then embody your highest potential, letting your heart soar with a freedom that you have never yet lived. You know it is there as you have quested in everything that has been really real to you. It is the very thing that wakes you up each day. It is what you experience when you are on the edge and what you experience after your greatest climax. I want you to live without any resistance in your soul…. Is this the day you surrender into being who you really are on a consistent basis?
In our private Online, members only Sword Portal I have placed over 11 hours of edited down video clips teaching you all the above and much, much more (we edited it down so only the really good stuff is left). These video clips – except for the 35 minutes of extra footage I threw in as a bonus from my Ninja Weapons dvd for you because it was so good – have never before released footage taken from several Sword Seminars that I have done over the years.
Awaken yourself. Connect to the divine light within you. We find God in everything, flowers, sunsets, a child’s face, etc. The Teachings call that Sourcing. The more that you resonate with the divine the more beautiful your life becomes. We support all spiritual paths and share source connection practices that have been used for thousands of years.Spiritual Awakening
Energy is a dimension of time and determines the quality of your existence. Ancient and time proven methods of energizing your body, lengthening muscles, strengthening your muscles, invigorating your body, expanding your breath and soothing your nervous system.
There is an art of how to pass on knowledge. Our Shidoshi “Teacher of the Warrior ways to Enlightenment” will give you the mind set and knowledge to be able to share what you love with others.
Get your study materials and related gear here.
EVENTS Fireside Chats
"Way of the Awakened Warrior" or "Awakened Warrior Path"Bu – Warrior
(Our definition)
One who has the courage to transcend fear, to be resolved in times of challenge, demonstrate peace while being able to protect peace.
Depending how the kanji is written this can be read as Heart, Mind, Truth, or Highest Aspect of God. In our training we combine all four attributes, using the word “Awakened” to describe them. When writing Bushindo we use the kanji character for ‘heart’ because the heart is the center of all the teachings. We begin here and end here in the jeweled heart.
Way or Path of the Bushin (Warrior with heart). Do in Japanese (Dao/Tao in Chinese) also means willful clarity of mindful purpose and directing of the divine will.
Bushindo™ Enlightened Warrior™ Training Martial Arts Temple
We are in the process of obtaining/seeking funding for Ancient Style Enlightened Warrior Path training facility somewhere nestled in the mountains with running creeks where master Van Donk can teach teachers who will teach teachers to better enlightened the world to a better way of living together. This will be a primary structure for the Bushindo University live in studies. It is intended to be a model of smaller Enlightened Warrior Training Halls around the world.
Martial Arts began in temples as a way of perfection of the self merging with the divine. The essence is to become a representation of what it is to be fully human. Enlightened Warrior Training Temple will provide the space and University level instruction for total integration of body, mind, and spirit. Grandmaster Richard Van Donk has designed an exceptional program for learning the arts of rejuvenation, inner strength, personal development, increased health, the Golden Matrix self protection system, and spiritual empowerment. A beautiful Chinese style temple will be built in the woods with rainbow waterfalls and lush Japanese gardens gracing the entrance. Dragon pillars and ancient rich architecture will accent a change in feeling just on the approach of this temple.
Once inside you know you have entered a sacred sanctuary and feel changed just by the experience of being here.
Online Distant Learning Web Technologies will interface our newly evolved paradigms and the world in which we live impacting global change while creating income to provide everyone in our community with a sustainable income, if needed by them. State of the art networked computers, satellite linking, holographic learning modules, enlightenment chambers, mind machines, brain wave analysis, dream research. Budo and University Certification in various arts and disciplines.
“Always have the courage to live what you love and to love what you live”